ZellNet also offers professional consulting services for multi-parametric flow cytometry including
Design of multi-parametric flow experiments
Assistance in panel development
Validation procedures
Data analysis (Gating)
Data interpretation

Panel development
Gating and data interpretation
On-site training

We will assist you in developing appropriate flow cytometry panels for your specific scientific needs, from marker selection all the way through panel validation, providing guidance during rigorous panel testing prior to their implementation. To assure optimal performance of your assays, we will identify appropriate validation procedures and controls.
To remove potential bias during analysis, ZellNet can provide blinded analyses, applying stringent gating techniques to hone in on relevant populations. Detailed gating scheme documentation is provided, laying out the rationale for each gating step so that subsequent analyses can be performed by or explained to others. We can also help in analyzing and interpreting the resulting data.

If multi-parametric flow cytometry is a new technique in your lab, we can provide on-site training in the form of seminars and lab workshops. Emphases of such trainings are reagent testing, development of multi-parametric flow cytometry panels, and associated troubleshooting. Any training can be adapted to your specific needs. Web-based training options also exist.