Thank you for your interest in our workshops!

Our next workshops will take place in Munich (April 2, 2025), and Oxford (April 3, 2025). 

You can register for Munich through this link: or by scanning the QR code:

For specific information about the workshop, please see our Munich seminar flyer.

For Oxford, please register through the following link: or scan this QR code:

For specific information about this workshop, please see our Oxford Seminar Flyer.

Got questions? You can drop us a line to


What our seminar attendees are saying:

” It was such an exciting and eye opening seminar. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it and learnt alot not only about Elispot but the  fundamentals of conducting any experiment to get  “meaningful” and more importantly “ reliable” data. I am motivated to apply all suggested measures to make the best out of each Elispot.  I am so glad to have met you in person. Your passion and energy were so infectious. Thank you so much for sharing your  valuable experience and advice. ”
Mamta Kalra, Ph.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas

It is one of the best seminars I’ve ever attended. After that seminar, I then understood what it meant by the Art of Elispot.”
Ada Tam, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD

“I truly thought it was one of the best workshops I’ve ever attended.  It was clear, well thought out, well organized, and just – great in general.  I learned a tremendous amount and am much less intimidated by it than I originally was – that being said, I think I am also VERY aware of the things that can go wrong and just how much goes into a successful and productive Elispot.”
Christopher J. Pirozzi, Ph.D.
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina

“I am sure I am not the only one telling you this but the seminar was fantastic!”
Valeria A. Judkowski, Ph.D.
Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies
San Diego, California

“Thank you so much for this workshop. It was fantastic and really a problem solving oriented. This 3 hours seminar was better than a week long wet lab training. It was really great.”
Gouri Pandey, Ph.D
Bethesda, MD

“As a fresh PhD-student from Belgium, I went to the Elispot seminar in London. I have to say: it was all worth it!! I have learned so much about Elispot. Although Elispot seems easy, many things have to be taken in consideration. Many thanks to the organization! You did a great job. I hope many seminars will follow. I can advise everybody who want to learn more about this wonderful technique to go to the seminars of Zellnet! Looking forward to the next seminar!”
Wai Ping
University of Antwerp

“Your presentation was fantastic, it was fascinating and I learned a lot of troubleshooting information. My favorite part was the little quiz at the end with all the membranes that went wrong.”
Rachel Kim
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

“I first wanted to thank you again for putting together this workshop. It is a huge help and will definitely save me a lot of trouble shooting time.”
Abbi Engel
UW Medical Research SLU/Bastyr University
Seattle, WA

“I would like to thank you for a great workshop and recommend it to everyone, beginner or experienced in the ELISPOT world. An excellent insight into techniques, trouble shooting as well recent developments in the field. Thank you!”
Agnieszka Grabowska
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Heidelberg, Germany

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